Lab 1: Introduction to FPGA Programming
Introduction to the Quartus Prime development environment

Introduction to the Quartus Prime development environment.


Quartus Prime is a powerful software suite used for the design and analysis of digital circuits. Developed by Intel, Quartus Prime offers a comprehensive set of tools for FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) design, synthesis, simulation, and implementation.

Intel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software

Key Features

1. Design Entry

Quartus Prime supports various methods of design entry, including schematic capture, hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog and VHDL, and system-level design tools such as Platform Designer (formerly known as Qsys).

2. Synthesis and Optimization

Once the design is entered, Quartus Prime synthesizes it into a form that can be implemented on an FPGA. During this process, the software optimizes the design for factors like speed, area, and power consumption.

3. Simulation

Quartus Prime includes simulation tools that allow designers to verify the functionality of their designs before implementation. These tools enable behavioral and timing simulation, helping to ensure that the design behaves as expected under different conditions.

4. Implementation

The implementation phase involves mapping the synthesized design onto the target FPGA device. Quartus Prime provides advanced features for floorplanning, placement, routing, and timing analysis to optimize the design's performance and meet timing constraints.

5. Debugging and Analysis

Quartus Prime offers debugging and analysis tools to assist designers in identifying and resolving issues in their designs. This includes tools for signal tracing, waveform viewing, and static timing analysis.

6. Programming and Configuration

Once the design is finalized and verified, Quartus Prime facilitates the programming and configuration of the target FPGA device. It supports various programming methods, including JTAG, AS, and passive serial, to configure the FPGA for operation.

Supported Devices

Quartus Prime supports a wide range of FPGA families from Intel, including Stratix®, Arria®, and Cyclone® series devices. It also offers support for third-party devices from select manufacturers.