Lab 3: Seven-Segment Display and Multiplexing
Alphabet Segment Display Control

Alphabet Segment Display Control


This exercise aims to familiarize students with the basic concepts of interfacing FPGA with a 7-segment display. Using the DE10-Lite board, the task will be to display different characters (A, B, C) on a single 7-segment display based on the input from three switches. Each switch will correspond to one of the characters. This simple project introduces digital design students to FPGA programming, handling I/O, and simple decision structures in Verilog HDL.

Verilog Code

module alphabet(
    input wire [2:0] switch,
    output reg [6:0] seg

    parameter A_SEG = 7'b0001000;  // Display "A"
    parameter B_SEG = 7'b0000011;  // Display "B"
    parameter C_SEG = 7'b1000110;  // Display "C"

    always @ (switch) begin
        case (switch)
            3'b001: seg = A_SEG;  // When switch[0] is ON
            3'b010: seg = B_SEG;  // When switch[1] is ON
            3'b100: seg = C_SEG;  // When switch[2] is ON
            default: seg = 7'b1111111;  // Off state (all segments off)

Pin Planner

Node NameDirectionLocationI/O BankVREF GroupCurrent StrengthSlew Rate
switch[0]InputPIN_C107B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
switch[1]InputPIN_C117B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
switch[2]InputPIN_D127B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[0]OutputPIN_C147B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[1]OutputPIN_E157B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[2]OutputPIN_C157B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[3]OutputPIN_C167B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[4]OutputPIN_E167B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[5]OutputPIN_D177B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)
seven_seg_out[6]OutputPIN_C177B7_N03.3-V LVTTL8mA (default)